Care Management Services

What are Care Management services?

Care Management is the range of activities intended to improve patient care and reduce the need for medical services by helping patients and caregivers more effectively manage health conditions.

How would Care Management help me?

Care Management is geared toward patients that need some extra assistance outside of their regularly scheduled office visits.

Our Care Manager can educate patients on disease process and management; provide resources for housing, socialization and transportation services; help to locate food pantries in your county; assist in filling out insurance and disability paperwork; coordinate your care between medical and behavioral health service lines; advocate on your behalf for your health care on your behalf; and fill in “gaps” within your care needs.

Does it require paperwork?

Patients only need to sign a consent form – the rest is up to us!

Are there extra fees for Care Management services?

Costs for Care Management services are dependent upon insurance coverage. Sliding fee discounts are also applicable for Care Management services.

Our friendly Care Management team is here to provide assistance for patients of all ages! A few ways that Care Management could help you or a loved one include helping with transition planning between hospital and home, facilitating care across specialties and coordination of social services, such as transportation or housing.

Be sure to ask your provider about Care Management at your next visit!